The Sun Stone has a reddish brown color but it has a hint of yellow. The white stone has a golden color and the luster resembles a crystal.
0www.saleem.comJanuary 25, 2022
The Sun Stone has a reddish brown color but it has a hint of yellow. The white stone has a golden color and the luster resembles a crystal.
Keeps Name:
1 - In Arabic it is called Tajrat 2 - In English it is called Stone 3. In this stone concrete it is named Surya 4- It has different names in different languages, such as sala kat mela.
Its properties are:
2- Protects the field man from fear and panic. 3- Adi develops the best feelings of loyalty. 4- This stone absorbs silver inside it. Its ring is useful in madness and apathy. 5- By doing this again, the fear is removed.
It is said that by tying this stone on a palm tree, fruits 9 - Its ring protects against many ailments besides many diseases and produces high quality traits in human beings.
Chemical Techniques:
This shiny and extremely sweet then contains the chemical components of Oxygen Aloe New Silica Soda Chrome and Slim. Lucky Stone:
The Sun is the auspicious star for this stone.
The Sunstone belongs to the constellation Asad.
Those born between January 3 and August 22 are called the Stone of Birth Stone or Birth Stone.
It starts with H. Orch. All of these people get sunstone again. It is also a cause of blessing for those who get number due to name or date of birth. Copyright 2022- All rights reserved.
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