Facebook is an online social media or website.

 Facebook is an online social media or website. 

 Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004 and its founder is Mark Zuckerberg. 

 Initially, the founder of Facebook, with the help of his Harvard College colleagues, limited the site to college and later completed the site. 

 Got worldwide acceptance.

  Facebook is an online social media site where we can chat with each other whenever we want and share our photos and videos.  

About 2.5 billion photos are uploaded to Facebook every month.  You can use Facebook on your computer, laptop tablet and smartphone. 

 Today, almost everyone is using Facebook and there are many advantages as well as disadvantages to its increasing use.  

Let us take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook. 

 Benefits of Facebook: 

Through Facebook we stay in touch with our tele friends and colleagues. 

 More than one million users share their interests and hobbies on Facebook.

  With Facebook, you can take your business to the next level and promote your business.

  You can also share video chats with others on Facebook. 

 You can also share your photos and videos on Facebook. 

 The reason is that you can read all the details on it in the news of the whole world.  And you can customize your Facebook.  T 

☆ Facebook's biggest disadvantage is its privacy. 

 You can configure your privacy by going to Facebook settings and sharing your Facebook personal information with anyone. 

 Create unlimited accounts on Facebook.  That's why they misuse the book by creating fake accounts. 

 Using Facebook is a waste of time and it keeps you so busy that you can't do anything.  

Many students and teenagers fail to create a complex Facebook password, which can lead to their account being hacked and their personal information being leaked.

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