It is especially useful for beginners of spiritual sciences. It will be extremely helpful in acquiring knowledge for the field.
It is said that looking at the new moon, reciting prayers and looking at turquoise and looking at turquoise is worth a lot of money.
It promotes universal and personal love and immense progress in science and art. That if a person is about to be judged unexpectedly, he will be flogged or punched or he will be torn in two. In such a case, throw him in the river or sea as soon as possible.
For a period of 40 days, I must ask for forgiveness and give alms, even if it is like the moon or the moon. People should stop working and they should wear large size coats. The field rejects the causes.
It is a very sacred stone in Buddhism. They have a tradition that if there is love and trouble due to unknown reasons, wearing this stone brings complete healing success and happiness. . . .
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Turquoise Ramrad 2 Turquoise is a non-transparent, greenish-blue rhinoceros chuck stone that is one of the oldest rocks in the world.
The name turquoise is due to the fact that it is mostly found in blue and in English it is called turquoise because the beginning of this stone is wet so it was taken from them.
And I find that these are my most Ali, Sabzi Mail (Husseini) and Nila Rang (Razzaqi). Sandstone is more temporary than Razzaqi turquoise, and is also found in more colors.
People who wear turquoise find Chinese comfort and they do not suffer intolerance. There is a real turquoise valve and because of copper it always changes its color. Sometimes it turns darker.
Properties: This stone has a cold and dry texture. It contains Hydrate Hydrate, Phosphate Phosphate, Copper Copper, Iron and Aluminum.
The chemical formula of this stone is CUAL (PO) (OH), 4HO. This is a very precious and rare stone. The presence of Cryptocrystalline in it increases its hardness.
The hardness of this stone is 5 to 6. The density of this rock is 2.60 to 2.90. - .com. Who can wear turquoise? That is why people born in Har can wear it. People with constellations can also remove this stone.
Where is turquoise stone found?
First the turquoise leaf was extracted from Mashhad area of Khorasan province of Iran, then it was taken by scooter and cleaned and then it was made in beautiful and beautiful forms.
The best kind of turquoise comes from Iran. In addition, turquoise stones have been mined in the Sinai region of Egypt since 3000 BC.
Also discovered in the US cities of California, Colorado and San Diego. China is also considered to be the birthplace of this precious stone. High quality turquoise stone is coming out from different cities of China.
It is also found in Australia, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Palestine, Pakistan, Tibet, Germany and Turkestan. And how to identify and buy real turquoise.
Due to the increasing demand and supply in the world of jewelery, turquoise is the only stone that is now being made available in every jewelery market.
But it is also important to distinguish between the original and the copy. The hallmark of real turquoise is that if it is given a fire card, its water drying is unique.
Pure turquoise and caring is permanent when blue turquoise loses its luster over time. If you look closely at the turquoise root, you will notice that it has a check and there is an open object, then it is a blue stone.
In order to check the turquoise and coffer immediately, you will know the difference between the original and the copy in its lower surface Korgarh. Only buy these stones from reputable dealers to protect them from fraud.
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