Ruby is a first class stone. There are four major types of ruby.

 Ruby is a first class stone. There are four major types of ruby.

Ruby is a first class stone.
Ruby stone

 First class transparent ruby ​​costs several thousand rupees per carat.  Due to its third degree,

 it has been made useless so that even ordinary people can be guided by its qualities. 

 Considered to be very useful and effective for marital life. 

Mood swings and rdu.B have been seen to be progress, 

honor and dignity is also seen Precious)  Arthritis codes and protects children from the disease if there is a disease in arthritis.

 Relationships are strengthened but sincere friendship and love are gained.

Ruby stone

 Therefore, it has been called the best wedding gift since ancient times. 

 When I am, its color turns yellow. 

 Medical functions: All diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract,

 all diseases of the blood, heart disease, high and low blood pressure (especially low blood pressure)  There is no answer in keeping it.

 Epilepsy, insanity, plague, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, etc. also give special relief. 

Ruby stone (2)

 The wearer is usually protected from the given poison. 

Keeping it close to the eyes is also useful in eye diseases.


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